I've just bitten the bullet and gotten myself a new computer, and my days are filled with joy, my nights filled with .....not ecstasy really, maybe just more joy. It's a little black model- MacBook, and it works so well I'm surprised that I stayed with my old one so long; five years, long after it's sell-by date.
Just like when you have a new baby, I'm obsessed by it, buying extras like a little red mouse, and I spent yesterday morning making a computer cozy, lined with cloud print fleece, so it can stay warm and secure when I'm not there with it.
Oh little computer, you are so cute, and wireless and fast, and you don't freeze up like that cumbersome monster in the other room. Oh sleek black beauty, I promise to keep you safe, charged, and connected to the net.
Anyone want to buy a cumbersome old monster?